Section 1
The 2016 PDGA Calendar for NC Events is completed.
There are many one day events that are not listed. These can not be scheduled with me since the 2 day events are completed. If anything is missing, please let me know.
Please note, as always, this calendar is a NOT SET IN STONE!!!!
Always always always trust the PDGA Tour Schedule over this one!!! This is merely a resource!
Please visit the link on the right hand side of the page or visit the full site if using mobile to view this.
Section 2
There will be a few changes to USDGC this year. At this time, we are not sure if there will be a state spot awarded or not. Once we received clarification from the USDGC staff, I will announce my plan for the spot.
Section 3
The North Carolina Series schedule is completed.
Please visit the link on the right hand side of the page or visit the full site if using mobile to view this.
Robert Leonard
NC PDGA State Coordinator